How to prove if a wear and tear injury is work related in Kentucky

The repetitive wear and tear from years of hard work in Kentucky coal mines, construction sites, factories, warehouses, or office cubicles can lead to debilitating injuries. You may seek workers’ compensation benefits if you are diagnosed with a job-related wear-and-tear injury. If your employer is disputing your right to benefits…

Here is how you can file a workers compensation after retiring.

Your former employer may owe you workers’ compensation benefits if you are disabled by a work-related injury or illness sustained in the course of your work. A change in your job status does not disqualify you from receiving medical care benefits provided to injured workers through Kentucky’s workers’ compensation system….

workers compensation claim

Years of hard work, such as in Kentucky coal mines, manufacturer plants, or on construction sites, can lead to wear and tear injuries caused by repetitive movement. Unfortunately, damage to the back, knees or other body parts caused by wear and tear is often blamed on age when workers seek…

back injury at work after falling off a ladder

Back injuries are among the most common workplace injuries in Kentucky. Painful back injuries are often caused by work-related wear and tear on muscles, spinal discs, and other soft tissue in the lower back. If you have suffered a wear and tear injury at work that prevents you from performing…

occupational disease

While most workers’ compensation claims involve traumatic injuries suffered in the workplace, the insurance program for employees also covers occupational diseases. An occupational disease is any ailment that arises out of an individual’s employment. Workers’ compensation is insurance that most employers are required to purchase to protect their employees. It provides benefits…

a man in a warehouse, in an out balance position where a stock of boxes might fell on him - dangerous warehouse work -

Warehouse workers and material movers employed in warehouses that are part of wholesale and retail operations shelve and retrieve freight, stock or other materials. Warehouse employees may work on elevated loading docks and around conveyors, forklifts, and electrical systems common to industrial settings. Warehouse workers lift and carry heavy objects….