Do I Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer After a Work Injury?

If you’ve been hurt on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, including paid medical care and wage replacement benefits. However, your employer or the employer’s insurance carrier may try to dispute or deny your workers’ compensation claim to save money.

After a work-related injury in Kentucky, you are well advised to talk with a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney to understand your rights. An experienced attorney at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer can review your workplace injury and discuss whether you have a workers’ compensation claim. A workers’ comp attorney can guide you through the claims process and advocate for you in a formal workers’ compensation hearing if needed. Our Kentucky Courage workers’ compensation lawyers are committed to helping you demand all the benefits available to injured workers by law.

Why You Might Need a Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance. Most businesses in Kentucky are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees in the event of a workplace injury. An employee who suffers an on-the-job injury or job-related illness is entitled to workers’ comp benefits for their medical expenses, a portion of their lost wages, and certain other losses. These benefits cost the insurer money and might cause the employer’s premiums to go up. As such, employers and insurance providers have a financial interest in trying to minimize the amount they pay out in workers’ comp claims.

Insurance carriers sometimes dispute valid claims. That is why it’s a good idea to discuss your work-related injury with a workers’ compensation lawyer. A free case evaluation will help you be clear about your legal options and whether you can appeal a denied claim.

Our attorneys can handle the initial claim on your behalf, reducing the chance of an error. If the insurer denies your claim, an attorney can request a formal hearing to have a workers’ compensation judge decide your case. An attorney can negotiate for a fair settlement for you.

When To Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

You will benefit from having a workers’ compensation lawyer under the following circumstances:

  • If you’ve suffered a work-related injury: The higher the stakes, the more beneficial legal advocacy can be. A lawyer can help you pursue all the medical and lost wage benefits available and protect your interests if your employer tries to terminate your benefits prematurely or force you back to work before you’ve recovered.
  • If your employer or an insurance company has denied your workers’ compensation claim: An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you understand your rights under the Kentucky workers’ compensation law and pursue a formal workers’ compensation claim with the state workers’ compensation commission.
  • If you are having trouble getting the benefits you deserve: Your lawyer can push back if your employer or their insurer delays processing your claim, questions your eligibility for benefits, or suggests a pre-existing condition is to blame for your present condition.

4 Benefits of Hiring a Workers’ Comp Lawyer

Although the Kentucky workers’ compensation system does not require injured workers to have a workers comp injury lawyer to file a claim, you will be at a disadvantage dealing with an insurance company without legal representation. Having a workers comp attorney offers many advantages. An experienced lawyer can:

Help You Navigate the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation System

A workers’ compensation attorney can guide you through the procedures of filing a workers’ comp claim. Your lawyer can explain your legal options at each stage of your case, such as when to pursue a hearing with the workers’ compensation commission or appeal an unfavorable decision.

Fight for Your Interests

Your workers’ compensation lawyer can protect your interests throughout your claim, including fighting back if your employer or the insurer tries to terminate your wage loss benefits before you fully recover.

Negotiate a More Favorable Settlement

Having a skilled attorney negotiate on your behalf offers you a better chance of obtaining full and fair compensation for your workplace injury.

Advocate on Your Behalf in Formal Hearings

If your employer or their insurer disputes your claim, a lawyer can represent you during the appeals process and present evidence demonstrating why you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits.

How Much Does a Workers’ Comp Lawyer Cost?

Our workers’ comp attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer handle workers’ compensation claims work on a contingency fee basis. In a contingency fee arrangement, the client does not pay anything upfront to hire the attorney. Instead, the attorney receives a legal fee only if they secure a workers’ compensation award or settlement for their client.

Kentucky law governs how much a workers’ compensation lawyer can earn in a case and imposes requirements on when the lawyer can receive payment. First, a lawyer can only receive payment once an administrative law judge approves the fee. Workers’ compensation attorneys may only recover 20% of the first $25,000 of an award, 15% of the next $25,000 of the award, and 10% of the remainder of the award, up to a maximum of $18,000.

If a workers’ compensation lawyer is unsuccessful in securing workers’ compensation benefits for their client, the injured worker does not owe any legal fee. An injured worker has no financial risk in hiring a workers’ comp lawyer to pursue their claim.

Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today

Did you get hurt on the job and have questions about the benefits available? Are you having trouble getting the workers’ benefits you need for your medical bills and lost wages? A workers’ compensation attorney with Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, PLLC, can advocate for your rights and interests at no upfront cost to you. Call us today at (877) 809-5352 for a free, no-obligation consultation about your rights and options.

About the Author

I’ve lived in Kentucky my whole life. I love the state of Kentucky and the people of Kentucky. Helping give the people of this state a hand when they are in trouble with an injury or illness makes me feel proud. I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up and live anywhere else.