black car involved in sideswipe car accident

If you have been injured in a sideswipe car accident caused by another driver, you may have the right to demand compensation from the at-fault driver’s insurance. Sideswipe accidents are a common type of collision in Lexington. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that sideswipes made up around 9% of traffic accidents during a one-year period.

Depending on the angle of impact, a sideswipe accident can cause significant injuries. You may feel overwhelmed and be unsure how to proceed.

Having an experienced Lexington personal injury attorney review your claim is a good first step. The attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer have experience helping individuals seek fair compensation and can hold the at-fault driver accountable after a sideswipe accident. To discuss your case in detail, contact our Kentucky Courage attorneys by phone or online. Our consultations are 100% free and confidential, so call now.

Sideswipe Accident Definition

A sideswipe accident may involve an improper lane change. It can occur anytime two vehicles are traveling beside each other and one driver attempts to change lanes or drifts out of a lane and hits the side of another vehicle.

The initial side impact may lead to one or both drivers swerving or losing control and hitting other vehicles, or running off the road, leading to additional injuries.

Sideswipe Accident Dangers Around Lexington

Here are some of the most common ways that sideswipe accidents occur:

  • Merging onto a freeway or highway – When entering a freeway, vehicles must follow road signs and lane markings to merge. If a vehicle has not merged before their lane ends, or if the driver attempts to merge without noticing other vehicles occupying the lane, a dangerous sideswipe accident can occur.
  • Changing lanes – Whether on a smaller city road or on the freeway, drivers should utilize their mirrors as well as turn to check their blind spots before changing lanes. When a driver fails to check a vehicle’s blind spots or misjudges the distance between vehicles, it can cause a sideswipe accident.
  • Drifting into another lane – Drowsy, impaired, or distracted drivers may drift out of the lane in which they are driving and sideswipe a vehicle in another lane. A driver who drifts across the centerline may sideswipe a vehicle moving in the opposite direction or cause a head-on collision

Common Injuries Caused by Sideswipe Car Accidents

Sideswipe accidents can cause a wide range of injuries. Some examples of common injuries include:

  • Fractures – If the door or vehicle frame is crushed, it can bend inward with enough force to break bones. People injured in sideswipe accidents may suffer broken bones from being thrown against the interior of the vehicle or may suffer injuries from unrestrained objects that become projectiles during an accident.
  • Traumatic brain injuries – When a vehicle collides with a wall or another vehicle, the force of impact can cause a crash survivor’s brain to move within the skull, causing injury to the brain. Brain injuries can cause lifelong challenges with memory, vision, balance, behavior, and more.
  • Neck and back injuries – The force of impact can damage discs, tendons, and ligaments in the neck and back, or the spinal cord itself.the doctor is examining the woman's neck and back
  • Spinal cord injuries – Spinal cord injuries can cause partial or total paralysis, depending on the location of the injury and the extent to which it is damaged.
  • Seatbelt injuries and lacerations – While wearing a seatbelt undoubtedly helps prevent severe injury and death in many cases, seatbelts can cause bruising and lacerations on the chest area in a high-impact accident.
  • Whiplash injuries – When a person’s head and neck jerk sharply forward and then backward, the rapid movement can cause damage to the tendons, muscles, discs, and nerves in the neck.

Even if your injuries seem minor at first, it is important to seek medical care right away. Some serious injuries including brain injuries may not be apparent at first except to a trained medical professional. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are important.

Who’s at Fault in a Sideswipe Accident?

It can be difficult to determine who was at fault in a sideswipe accident. If you were staying in your own lane and someone else merged into your vehicle or attempted to change lanes and hit your vehicle, that driver would most likely be at fault. However, if you were both trying to change lanes at the same time, it may be more difficult to determine who had the right of way. An experienced car accident attorney can help you evaluate who has liability for a sideswipe accident and discuss your legal rights to pursue compensation.

Compensation After a Sideswipe Accident

You may be watching in dismay as the medical bills pile up, especially if you are unable to work following the accident. The good news is you may have a right to seek compensation for your accident-related injuries and losses including:

  • Current medical bills
  • Future medical expenses
  • Long-term care and rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage

Get Help from a Lexington Car Accident Lawyer

A serious car accident may leave you feeling frustrated and angry, especially when you were driving safely and following traffic rules. It is not fair that you must suffer physical pain and financial stress due to someone else’s poor choices. Starting the legal process may feel like an additional burden, but when you work with the attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, we will investigate the accident and deal with the insurance companies on your behalf, so you can focus on your recovery. Kentucky law allows people who are injured as a result of the negligence of others to seek compensation.

Our attorneys have extensive experience helping injured Kentuckians rebuild their lives after serious injuries. The attorneys you see in our Kentucky Courage TV commercials are the same lawyers you will work with when pursuing a car accident injury claim. Let us explain how we may assist you to pursue just compensation after a sideswipe collision.

Contact us today at (877) 809-5352 for a free consultation.