The Dangers of Distracted Driving for Truckers in Kentucky

The Dangers of Distracted Driving for Truckers in Kentucky, US

As smartphones, electronic navigation systems, and infotainment centers become increasingly commonplace in motor vehicles, distracted driving has become a serious safety issue.

Operating a tractor-trailer safely requires a trucker’s full attention and focus. However, commercial truck drivers face distractions both inside and outside the cab.

Truck drivers who engage in distracted driving put themselves and other motorists on Kentucky highways in danger of truck accidents. If you or your loved one has been harmed in a Kentucky distracted truck driver crash, contact the truck accident lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer. Our attorneys have decades of experience handling commercial truck accident lawsuits. Our law firm has the Kentucky Courage and commitment to stand up to insurance companies and demand justice for truck accident victims.

Distracted Driving Defined

Distracted driving occurs when a motorist takes their attention off the road. Drivers can experience three types of distractions:

  • Visual – A visual distraction means a driver has taken their gaze off the road. A typical example of visual distraction for truck drivers involves looking down at a map or navigation device to follow a delivery route.
  • Manual – Manual distractions involve taking one’s hands off the steering wheel or other controls. Holding a cell phone to send or read a text message is an example of a manual distraction. Cell phone use by truck drivers is a common form of distraction.
  • Cognitive – A cognitive distraction occurs when a driver takes their mental focus off the act of driving. Truck drivers may experience cognitive distractions when talking on a radio or phone or when they begin daydreaming after spending many hours on the road.

Distracted Driving Statistics – National and Kentucky

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 253 fatalities occurred in distraction-related truck crashes across the U.S. in one recent year. More than 10 percent of these resulted from the use of handheld electronic devices such as cell phones.

In Kentucky, the Office of Highway Safety reports that distracted driving causes more than 50,000 motor vehicle accidents in the state each year. These crashes injure over 15,000 people and cause approximately 200 deaths.

Common Distractions for Truck Drivers

Truck drivers may have multiple demands on their attention while behind the wheel. Spending many hours driving can make it harder to stay focused on the road. Some of the most common distractions that truck drivers face include:

  • Using maps or navigation devices to follow the delivery route
  • Cell phone use by truck drivers
  • Talking on the CB radio
  • Interacting with dispatch systems
  • Adjusting the radio or climate control
  • Reaching around the truck cab for an object
  • Eating or drinking
  • Getting engrossed in a radio show or audiobook
  • Viewing billboards outside the truck
  • Daydreaming

Consequences of Distracted Driving for Kentucky Truckers

Truckers who drive while distracted may face significant consequences for their negligent behavior. Distracted driving increases the risk of a driver causing an accident. At highway speeds, a truck can travel the distance of a football field or longer in the time it takes a truck driver to read a text message. Distractions also mean that truck drivers might fail to notice an imminent collision and fail to brake or swerve, potentially increasing the severity of the crash.

Distracted truck drivers who cause crashes may be held financially liable for the injuries and harm they cause to truck accident victims. Our Lexington truck accident attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer can help you evaluate your legal options if a serious truck accident has turned your life upside down. A truck accident lawyer can gather evidence to show how driver distraction caused a serious accident. You should not have to pay medical bills for injuries caused by a distracted truck driver.

Tips for Truck Drivers to Avoid Distracted Driving

Truck drivers can avoid causing devastating distracted driving accidents by following Kentucky’s distracted driving laws. They should also follow these essential truck driver safety tips:

  • Drivers should put away cell phones to avoid the temptation to text or surf the internet while driving. When they need to make phone calls, they should use hands-free technology, such as a Bluetooth headset or text-to-speech technology.
  • Drivers should time meals for breaks and off-duty periods to avoid eating while driving.
  • Drivers should also take frequent breaks to hydrate and recharge to stay alert and focused while driving. Federal hours of service rules require commercial truck drivers to take rest breaks after a certain number of hours of driving.
  • Drivers can preset their truck’s systems, including the radio, climate control, and navigation, before setting off to avoid reaching down to adjust them while driving.
  • Drivers should take a break or go off duty if they find themselves repeatedly becoming distracted or losing concentration on the road.

Trucking companies must prioritize developing a culture of safety over meeting delivery deadlines at all costs. A trucking company focusing on safety will support drivers and help them – and everyone else – stay safe on the road.

What To Do If You’ve Been in an Accident with a Distracted Trucker

If you have been involved in an accident with a distracted trucker, you can take certain steps to protect your rights to seek compensation for your injuries. You should do the following:

  • Contact a personal injury attorney promptly to assess the accident and discuss your legal options and whether a truck accident claim is appropriate.

Report the accident to law enforcement and obtain a copy of the police crash report.

  • Seek medical attention to diagnose your injuries and follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Remember to request copies of your medical records related to your treatment and rehab.
  • Notify your auto insurance company about the accident and see if you have Personal Injury Protection coverage as part of your insurance policy to assist with initial medical expenses.
  • Keep copies of bills, invoices, and receipts for expenses you incur during your recovery.
  • Gather your income statements to calculate your lost earnings if you need to take time off work or transfer to a part-time or light-duty position due to medical restrictions. These may be useful to show your loss of income if you pursue a personal injury claim.
  • Avoid admitting fault and take caution when speaking with insurance adjusters or trucking company representatives about the accident.

Contact Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer Accident Lawyers

Truck Accident Attorneys in Kentucky (Roy Collins in the photo investigating a truck accident)

After a commercial truck accident caused by a distracted truck driver, you need experienced legal guidance. Our Kentucky law firm has the resources and skills to investigate commercial truck collisions and seek fair compensation for those who have suffered injuries. Our Lexington personal injury attorneys are honored to use our legal skills to help our fellow Kentuckians who are facing long recoveries from severe injuries caused by negligent truck drivers.

Contact Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today for a free, no-obligation consultation with an experienced Kentucky personal injury lawyer. We can review your semi-truck crash and discuss your legal options for pursuing the financial recovery you deserve.

About the Author

The state motto of Kentucky is: “United we stand. Divided we fall.” That principle really guides the strength and Kentucky Courage™ of Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.