Shortcomings During an SSD Application: How a Lawyer Can Help

benefits from hiring a social security disability lawyer

If you have a disability that prevents you from working, you may be eligible to claim Social Security Disability  (SSD) benefits. These government funds can help you with living expenses if you have earned enough work credits via the Social Security Administration (SSA) to qualify. Before you can receive these payments, you must first submit a disability benefits application. Applying for SSD benefits can be a complex process, and many valid claims are initially denied.

The experienced Lexington disability attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer understand the challenges of obtaining SSD benefits. We can fight for the benefits you have earned through your hard work. Our legal team is committed to helping disabled people across Kentucky seek the benefits available. If you want to apply for SSD or appeal a denied application, call us today at (877) 809-5352 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Increased Chances of Success

The Social Security Administration denies nearly 70 percent of SSD applications every year. However, some applicants can successfully appeal with the help of experienced disability attorneys. Having a disability benefits lawyer from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer on your side from the start of the process can significantly increase your chances of success. If your initial application is denied, our attorney can file an appeal and represent you at a hearing. According to data from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), people with representatives at appeals hearings obtain benefits at a rate nearly three times higher than those without representation.

Rejection of SSD Applications

For the last decade, most unsuccessful applications have been due to technical errors. In many cases, the applications fail because the applicants do not include sufficient information or understand certain aspects of the process.

Applying for SSD benefits requires you to provide documents related to the following:

  • Citizenship
  • Income and taxes
  • Medical records
  • Family members who might qualify for benefits

A seasoned disability attorney at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer will be sure that your application contains all the necessary information before it is submitted. Our attorney also can discuss whether seeking a second medical opinion and adding information to your medical file may improve your chances of success.

In-depth Understanding of the SSD Benefits Process

One of our knowledgeable SSD attorneys can review your work history and income and determine which type of disability benefit you should seek. The Social Security Administration offers two different benefit programs: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

Each program has different eligibility criteria. A disability lawyer can help you understand the differences between SSI and SSDI and let you know what to expect at each stage of the application process.

Effective Representation

The lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer will advocate for your rights every step of the way. If the SSA denies your initial claim, we will help you understand the reasons for the denial. Our experienced attorneys will be ready to file an appeal and represent you during the hearing process.

You must request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ) within 60 days of receiving an SSD denial notice. Having an effective attorney represent you before an administrative law judge is crucial. At this stage, your lawyer will be able to:

  • Prepare you for all aspects of your hearing
  • Call appropriate witnesses
  • Gather and submit supporting evidence
  • Represent you at the hearing

If the judge does not grant the benefits you are requesting, our attorneys can file an appeal to have the case reviewed by the Appeals Council. Your final option would be to file a civil suit in a federal district court. Your lawyer will prepare legal briefs and represent you before the judges.

Professional Standards of SSD Benefits Lawyers

When applying for SSD benefits, some people work with a non-attorney advocate. A non-attorney advocate will not have the thorough knowledge of the law and legal experience needed to fight for the most favorable outcome for your SSD claim.

With Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, you will work with fully qualified and experienced attorneys who know what it takes to fight for a successful application.

Confidentiality and Legal Protection

Applying for disability benefits is a sensitive subject for many people. Your communications will remain confidential when you work with a legal professional from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer. Our attorneys will protect your legal rights every step of the way.

Skill and Expertise in Negotiating and Litigating

The attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer have a track record as negotiators and courtroom litigators. Our legal team has successfully recovered more than $300 million for our Kentucky clients. You can count on us to fight for the most favorable outcome in your case.

Schedule a Free Case Review with Our Experienced Social Security Disability Attorneys

If you want to apply for SSD benefits, or if you need to appeal a decision that did not go your way, you need a skilled lawyer who knows how to get results. If you have paid taxes into the Social Security system, you deserve the benefits you have earned through your years of employment. While the disability benefits application process is more challenging than it should be, the experienced Lexington Social Security disability attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer are here to fight for you.

The Kentucky Courage lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer proudly represent our fellow Kentuckians. We are citizens of the Commonwealth, and we stand up for members of our community. Testimonials from former clients reflect the quality legal service we have provided to people facing difficult situations just like you. Call our offices today at (877) 809-5352 or contact us online for a free case review to learn more about how we can help you.

About the Author

He’s a member of the Kentucky Justice Association and the Kentucky Bar Association. He’s also a proud member of the Twin Branch United Methodist Church.