Reckless Driving Accident Attorney

Reckless driving involves an intentional or willful disregard for traffic laws and the safety of others on the road.

When reckless driving accidents occur, the accident victims can sustain severe injuries and incur significant medical expenses and other monetary losses. If a reckless driver harmed you or your loved one, you should not have to face financial hardships on top of your physical suffering. You may have a right to hold the reckless driver financially accountable for the harm they caused.

An experienced car accident attorney with Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer can help you pursue justice and fair compensation. Our personal injury attorneys are based in Kentucky and are dedicated to helping hardworking Kentucky residents who have been harmed by others’ reckless behavior. Contact us today for a free case evaluation and learn how we can fight for you.

Common Examples of Reckless Driving

Kentucky law broadly defines reckless driving. The law states that no person shall willfully operate any vehicle on any highway in such a manner as to cause injury.

Under Kentucky law, many different actions can qualify as reckless driving, including:

  • Excessive Speeding – Driving well in excess of the posted limits is reckless behavior. When motorists drive at high speeds, they have less time to react to driving hazards. In addition, the impact of a high-speed collision can increase the severity of crash injuries.
  • Tailgating – Tailgating fails to leave an appropriate distance between you and the car in front of you. When drivers tailgate to force the car ahead to speed up, they act aggressively and recklessly. Tailgating, especially at high speeds, can cause catastrophic rear-end collisions.
  • Aggressive Lane Changes – Weaving in and out of lanes of traffic or making improper lane changes may lead to sideswipe collisions and head-on collisions. A reckless driver weaving between lanes may cause another driver to swerve, leading to a motor vehicle collision.
  • Running Red Lights and Stop Signs – Failing to obey traffic signals and deliberately running red lights is dangerous. It can lead to motor vehicle accidents causing severe and deadly injuries to other motorists in the intersection, bicyclists, and pedestrians using a crosswalk.
  • Road Rage Incidents – Road rage may include intentionally cutting another driver off, running another car off the road, or blocking another vehicle from changing lanes.
  • Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs – Drivers who have been drinking or using drugs have impaired judgment, delayed reaction times, and dulled senses. The decision to drive while impaired disregards the safety of others. Reckless drivers who cause accidents while under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be charged with driving while impaired.
  • Distracted Driving – Many potential driving distractions include eating, grooming, or using a cell phone. When drivers do not pay attention, they can cause accidents or fail to react, leading to collisions. Texting and driving is a common type of distracted behavior. Kentucky law prohibits texting while operating a motor vehicle.

Why Reckless Driving Is So Dangerous?

Reckless driving makes it difficult for others to predict reckless motorists’ behavior. Because the reckless driver’s actions are unpredictable, other road users may be unable to take action to avoid a collision or reduce the impact.

The actions of a reckless driver can cause irresponsible driving accidents. Excessive speed, tailgating, drinking and driving, and other reckless driving behaviors can increase the severity of a crash.

Reckless driving can increase the likelihood of a multi-vehicle collision. For example, tailgating on a highway at high speeds could cause a rear-end collision that leads to a devastating multi-car pileup.

Victims of reckless driving collisions may suffer major injuries and life-changing injuries, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Shoulder injuries, neck injuries, and whiplash
  • Loss of a limb, body part, or bodily function
  • Severe scarring or disfigurement
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage

Legal Consequences of Reckless Driving

According to Kentucky law, motorists who violate the state’s reckless driving law can get fined or have their license suspended. Drivers who cause injury or death due to reckless driving can face class D felony charges, resulting in one to five years imprisonment.

In addition, there are specific penalties for certain types of reckless driving. According to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, a first DUI offense can carry a penalty that includes mandatory alcohol or substance abuse treatment and a six-month license suspension. Subsequent DUIs can result in heavy fines and a driver’s license loss for up to a year or longer.

In addition to criminal prosecution, reckless drivers can be held financially accountable. People who sustain serious injuries in reckless driving accidents may be entitled to pursue personal injury cases, seeking to recover compensation. The victims of reckless drivers may have the right to seek compensation for the following types of expenses and losses:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and employment benefits
  • Lost future earnings
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Emotional distress
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

You should have an experienced personal injury attorney review the details of the reckless driving accident that injured you and discuss the types of compensation available to you.

Protecting Yourself from Reckless Drivers

The Kentucky Office of Highway Safety (KHS) offers the following advice for protecting yourself from reckless and aggressive drivers:

  • Attempt to safely get out of the reckless driver’s way and give them ample space
  • Remain in the right-hand lane and allow the reckless driver to pass
  • Do not challenge the driver
  • Do not make eye contact, and ignore the driver if they yell or gesture
  • Wear your seatbelt

If an aggressive driver follows you, do not leave your vehicle or drive home. Instead, go to a safe place with witnesses, such as a gas station, fire station, or police station. You can report reckless drivers by calling 911 or contacting the Kentucky State Police.

Provide authorities with a vehicle description, license plate number, and information about the direction the reckless driver was headed, if possible.

Do not delete the footage if you have a cell phone or dashcam that recorded the reckless driving incident. It could provide evidence if you pursue a personal injury claim after the accident.

What Should You Do If You Are Involved in a Reckless Driving Accident?

If you were in a reckless driving accident, you should gather as much information as possible at the time of the crash. Evidence that could help your personal injury case may include:

  • Video footage of the reckless driver or the collision
  • Photographs of your injuries and vehicle damage
  • The colors, makes, models, and license plate numbers of other involved vehicles
  • Names and contact information for others involved, including eyewitnesses
  • Involved parties’ insurance information
  • A copy of the police report
  • A record of medical treatment you receive
  • Proof of medical expenses and other financial losses resulting from the collision

You should consult an attorney with experience in handling claims against reckless drivers to understand your legal options. A personal injury lawyer can help you gather evidence, establish financial liability, and pursue maximum compensation.

At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, our personal injury lawyers live and work in Kentucky. We care about the families and communities we serve. Our law firm understands that injured people need a trusted personal injury attorney to fight for them. We can:

  • Investigate your accident and pursue multiple claims against multiple parties if necessary
  • Establish that reckless driving caused the crash and prove liability
  • Identify, calculate, and pursue every cent owed to you, including compensation for pain and suffering and other intangible losses
  • Manage case details, including drafting and filing paperwork, tracking deadlines, and handling phone calls, emails, and meetings
  • Negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf
  • Protect you from pressure, allegations of negligence or wrongdoing, and bad-faith insurance tactics
  • Prepare your case for civil court and represent you at trial if needed

Do not wait too long. Injury victims typically have two years from the date of the accident to take legal action and file a personal injury lawsuit. If the statute of limitations expires, you will lose your right to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. Seek experienced legal representation as soon as possible.

Contact Our Car Accidents Attorneys Today

The personal injury lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer have recovered more than $300 million for injured clients throughout Kentucky. Our personal injury law firm is known for its Kentucky Courage when standing up for injured people. If you or your loved one has been hurt in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, our experienced reckless driving accident lawyers are ready to help you seek financial compensation. We will stand by you through every step of the legal process.

Kentucky Car Accident Lawyers

We know how important obtaining fair compensation is to rebuilding your life. We do not want the cost of representation to stand in the way of hiring a personal injury attorney with legal experience. Our legal team handles personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. We do not charge a fee unless we recover compensation for you through an insurance settlement or court award. Most personal injury lawyers work on contingency fee arrangements. Therefore, you should focus on the attorney’s legal experience when deciding who to hire.

Contact the Kentucky Courage attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer near you.