Three delivery trucks and a courier standing between the trucks.

With many people doing online shopping, delivery trucks are a common sight on city streets and rural roads in Kentucky. If you have been injured in an accident caused by a delivery truck driver, you may need help holding the delivery company financially accountable for your injuries. You should speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer about the appropriate steps to seek a fair settlement.

At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, our experienced Kentucky delivery truck accident lawyers have been fighting for the rights of injured Kentuckians for years. We understand the challenges faced by those involved in accidents with delivery vehicles, such as FedEx, UPS, or Amazon trucks. These accidents can result in severe injuries and significant medical bills. You shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden of medical debt if a delivery driver caused the accident.

If you have suffered injuries due to a delivery truck driver’s negligence, Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer can help you. We can pursue a delivery truck accident claim and, if necessary, file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. Our attorneys represent truck accident victims and are known for their Kentucky Courage. We stand up to trucking companies and their big insurance companies to demand just compensation for injury victims.

What To Do After a Delivery Truck Accident in Kentucky

If you have been involved in an accident with a delivery vehicle, it is crucial to take the following steps to protect your health and legal rights:

Seek medical attention immediately, even if you think your injuries are minor.

Some injuries, such as whiplash or internal bleeding, may not be immediately apparent. It is essential to have a medical professional evaluate your condition to ensure that you receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Seeking prompt medical attention can increase your chance of an improved medical outcome and can help strengthen your legal claim by documenting the extent of your injuries.

Contact a Kentucky truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

An experienced attorney can review the details of the delivery vehicle accident and help you understand your legal options. If you have a personal injury claim, our law firm can handle the legal process, communicate with insurance companies on your behalf, and fight for the compensation you deserve. It is essential to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure your rights are protected.

Collect evidence, such as photos of the accident site and the vehicles involved.

If possible, take pictures of the damage to all the vehicles, any skid marks on the road, and any visible injuries you or your passengers have sustained. Collect the contact and insurance information of the delivery truck driver and any witnesses to the accident.

Report the accident to the police and request a copy of the police report.

The police report can provide valuable information about the accident, including the driver’s statements, any citations issued, and the officer’s scene observations. Your attorney might be able to use this information as evidence in your legal claim.

Common Causes of Delivery Truck Accidents

Delivery truck accidents in Kentucky can occur due to various factors, including:

  • Truck driver fatigue — Delivery truck drivers are usually under pressure to meet strict deadlines, leading to long hours behind the wheel and inadequate rest periods. Fatigue can impair a driver’s judgment, reaction time, and ability to operate the vehicle safely.
  • Distracted driving — Delivery drivers may be tempted to use their phones to communicate with their employers, check delivery schedules, or navigate unfamiliar areas. However, driver inattention contributes to many trucking accidents involving commercial vehicles. Taking one’s eyes off the road for even a few seconds can lead to a severe accident.
  • Speeding or reckless driving — The pressure to deliver packages on time can cause some truck drivers to engage in unsafe driving practices, such as speeding, tailgating, or making improper lane changes. These behaviors increase the risk of large truck accidents and can result in severe injuries to other motorists.
  • Improperly loaded or secured cargo — Delivery services and trucking companies carry boxes and packages of various sizes, some of which may have an irregular shape. If the cargo is not loaded correctly, balanced, and secured appropriately, it can shift during transit, causing the truck to become unbalanced and increasing the risk of a rollover or other accident.
  • Vehicle malfunctions — Delivery trucks such as Amazon delivery vans are subject to wear and tear due to their daily use and heavy loads. If a commercial truck is not properly maintained, it can lead to mechanical failures that cause accidents. For example, faulty truck brakes can make it difficult for a driver to avoid a collision, and a tire blowout can cause a driver to lose control of a vehicle.

Parties Liable in a Delivery Truck Accident

Depending on the circumstances, multiple parties may be held liable for delivery truck accidents. These parties can include:

  • The truck driver — A truck driver’s negligence or carelessness often contributes to an accident. If the driver was engaging in unsafe behaviors, such as speeding, tailgating, distracted driving, or driving under the influence, the driver may be found at fault liable for the truck accident injuries. If the driver is at fault, most likely the insurance company for the trucking company will be responsible for paying any settlement or verdict against the truck driver. No one that has been injured by a negligent truck driver should worry about the driver’s ability to pay for the damage they have caused. The driver’s employer or its insurance company should be able to cover those expenses.
  • The trucking company — Trucking companies are responsible for ensuring that their drivers are qualified, properly trained, and follow all safety regulations. If a trucking company or delivery company fails to conduct background checks, provide adequate training, provide safe and well-maintained equipment or enforce safety policies, the company may be held liable for accidents caused by its drivers.
  • The cargo company — If a third-party company fails to load the cargo properly in a delivery truck, causing the cargo to shift in transit and contribute to an accident, the cargo loading company may be held legally liable for any resulting injuries.
  • The manufacturer of the truck or trailer — If a faulty component, such as defective brakes or tires, caused the crash, the manufacturer of that component may be financially liable for any injuries or damages that result.

Compensation for Delivery Truck Accident Victims

If you’ve been injured in a delivery truck accident in Kentucky, you may be entitled to file a personal injury claim and pursue compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses, including hospital bills, medication, and rehabilitation costs. Delivery truck accidents can result in serious injuries that require extensive medical treatment, such as surgeries, hospitalization, and rehabilitation. You may be able to recover compensation for all medical expenses related to the delivery truck accident, including future medical costs.
  • Lost wages if you cannot work due to your injuries. If you are forced to miss work while recovering from your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for your lost income. This can include past and future lost wages and any benefits or bonuses you would have received had you been able to work.
  • Pain and suffering for the physical and emotional distress caused by the accident. Delivery truck accidents can cause significant physical pain and emotional trauma, which can impact your quality of life. You may be able to recover compensation for pain and suffering, which can include both physical discomfort and mental anguish.
  • Wrongful death if the accident resulted in the loss of a loved one. If your loved one was killed in a delivery truck accident, you and your family may be entitled to seek wrongful death damages. This can include compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of income and benefits, and loss of companionship and guidance.

Why Hire a Kentucky Delivery Truck Accident Attorney

A knowledgeable delivery truck accident lawyer can do the following:

Investigate the accident and gather evidence to support your claim.

An experienced attorney will know how to investigate the accident, identify all liable parties, and seek the necessary evidence to build a strong Kentucky truck accident case on your behalf. This can include interviewing witnesses, reviewing police reports and medical records, and consulting with accident reconstruction experts.

Negotiate with insurance companies for full compensation for your injuries and other losses.

Insurance companies often try to minimize the amount they pay to settle claims, even when the victim is entitled to significant compensation. Having experienced legal representation is important. An attorney can handle all communications with the insurance companies, present evidence of your losses, and negotiate aggressively for just compensation.

Take your case to trial if necessary to fight for the compensation you need.

Most delivery truck accident cases are settled out of court. However, some require litigation to resolve. A Kentucky Courage attorney will be prepared to take your case to court and fight for the compensation you deserve before a judge and jury.

Contact a Kentucky Delivery Truck Accident Lawyer Now

If you or a loved one has been injured in a delivery truck accident in Kentucky, contact Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today for a no-cost consultation. We have a proven track record in handling commercial truck accident cases. We stand ready to help you if you or your loved one has suffered serious injuries due to another party’s negligence.

Call our Lexington office at (877) 809-5352 or contact us online. We have other office locations across the state, including, London, Hazard, Prestonsburg, Paintsville, Paducah, Somerset, and Manchester. We are ready to put our Kentucky Courage™ to work for you.

Don’t wait to seek the legal help you need after a delivery truck accident. Contact Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today and let us fight for the compensation you deserve.