Kentucky roads can be dangerous, and nothing is more frightening than being involved in an accident and not knowing what comes next. A Paintsville car wreck can change your life, causing long-term injuries and significant financial hardships.

Navigating the claim process can be frustrating and complicated. Although the insurance adjuster might seem friendly during your initial call, they can become aggressive as they push you to accept a settlement that may not cover all your losses from the crash. Is that the best you can expect after a car accident involving a careless driver?

At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, our Paintsville car accident lawyers think you deserve better. We don’t want you to go up against the big insurance companies alone. Our attorneys have the Kentucky Courage to take on the insurers and beat them at their own game.

We understand the challenges car accident victims face as they attempt to get back on their feet. We provide responsive legal assistance and fight back against the tactics adjusters use to get vulnerable victims to settle for less than what their claim is worth.

You have legal rights. Our Paintsville car accident lawyers want to help you understand your rights and options for pursuing maximum compensation for your injuries after a car accident.

Contact our office today and request a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable car crash lawyers in Paintsville.

Essential Car Accident Laws in Paintsville

One of the most essential laws in Kentucky governs car insurance. All motorists must carry minimum liability insurance, which includes:

  • $25,000 for injuries per person for a single accident
  • $50,000 total for all injuries in a single accident
  • $25,000 for property damage

Kentucky also requires all motorists moving to the state to apply for vehicle registration within 15 days in the county where the individual lives.

What are other vital Kentucky car accident laws drivers should be aware of? All accidents must be reported when injuries or deaths are involved or when the accident causes at least $500 in property damage. If you do not call authorities to the scene, you must report the collision to the Kentucky State Police within 10 days of the accident.

The Red Flags of Common Car Accidents

No two motor vehicle accidents are alike, meaning the circumstances and how people act following a crash can vary. However, after a Paintsville car accident, you need to take proactive steps to protect yourself and ensure you can build a solid compensation claim to cover your injuries and financial losses.

An uncooperative driver is one of the most significant red flags of common car accidents. You must exchange information following an accident. Use caution when interacting with drivers who refuse to provide their contact or insurance information. Always contact the authorities and let them handle collecting pertinent information from the other driver.

Additionally, use caution when interacting with drivers who appear under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These motorists can resort to violent or unpredictable behaviors. Again, allow law enforcement to interact with these individuals and get the information you need about the driver from the subsequent police report.

Do not admit fault or apologize following an accident. Although it may seem innocent to you, an apology can be taken as an admission of fault and potentially hurt your personal injury claim.

The Immediate Steps to Take After a Car Accident in Paintsville, KY

How do you protect yourself and the integrity of your accident claim following a traumatic collision? These are the practical steps you should take immediately after a Paintsville car accident:

  • Contact law enforcement. Always contact law enforcement for help after a collision. The authorities can secure the scene and gather information from those present. First responders can also render aid to injured individuals. A police report could provide valuable information that helps strengthen your compensation claim.
  • Seek medical attention immediately. Always get medical treatment for your injuries immediately after an accident. When dealing with injuries, time is critical. You need the help only experienced medical professionals can provide to improve your chances of a favorable prognosis.
  • Document the scene. If you can, thoroughly document the accident scene. Take videos and photographs of the scene and the damage to the vehicles. You’ll also want pictures of any skid marks or debris on the road and your injuries. Ask witnesses at the scene for their contact information as well.
  • Exchange information. Always exchange information with the other drivers. Never admit fault or talk about the specifics of the accident. Keep your exchanges short and to the point. Do not get confrontational or allow yourself to get into an argument concerning fault.
  • Contact a Paintsville personal injury lawyer from our firm. Contact a skilled car accident attorney from Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer as soon as possible. Our lawyers can help you manage communication with the insurers, meet strict deadlines, and negotiate for maximum compensation for you.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You Fight for Justice

Despite the upbeat commercials depicting caring and concerned insurance adjusters working for you, the insurance company is not your friend. An insurance adjuster works for the benefit of their employer, not you. That means they oversee settling claims quickly and cheaply.

The strategy saves the company time and money by efficiently moving through car accident claims. The system helps the company, but you seldom get the money you deserve. Our Paintsville car accident attorneys are ready to advocate for you and fight for justice and the money you need to cover all your accident-related losses.

Our car accident attorneys understand the insurance industry and the tactics they use to get vulnerable car accident victims to settle a claim for pennies on the dollar. At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, we fight these tactics by building a compelling claim based on sound evidence. Then, we aggressively negotiate for maximum compensation.

Before you accept anything from anyone, talk to our experienced attorneys about your situation. Generally, individuals who work with a knowledgeable attorney recover more money than those filing a claim and negotiating solo.

The Stages of a Car Accident Claim in Paintsville, Kentucky

First, secure legal representation to help you navigate the insurance claim process. Our attorneys can investigate the cause of the accident, handle communications between you and the insurer, and gather and preserve vital evidence. Our attorneys can also calculate the fair value of your claim.

After building a compelling claim backed by evidence, our attorneys can send a demand letter outlining the accident’s specifics and the claim’s value. The insurer will review the letter and may follow up with a settlement offer. This stage is typically where settlement negotiations begin. Our attorneys can then tenaciously negotiate for the maximum money you deserve. However, if the insurer refuses to negotiate in good faith or the offer remains unacceptable, you may opt to file a lawsuit. Our lawyers will be fully prepared to fight for your interests in court if that’s what it takes to get you what you need and deserve.

What Determines Your Compensation After a Car Accident?

Many factors can determine the value of your compensation package following a car wreck, including the cause of the collision and the severity of your injuries.

Our experienced car crash lawyers in Paintsville are ready to analyze your situation’s specifics and calculate your claim’s fair value. Although the values of car accident claims vary, you may be able to seek compensation for losses like the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage

Contact a Paintsville Car Accident Lawyer

Are you ready to learn more about your options for seeking maximum compensation after you were injured in a car accident caused by a careless driver? Contact a Paintsville personal injury attorney with Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today for help. Our personal injury attorneys in Paintsville, KY, want to help you fight for the money and justice you deserve.

Contact our office in Paintsville today or call us to set up a free legal consultation. We are ready to listen to your story and discuss your options for seeking the compensation you’re owed.