truck rollover accident aftermath

After being in a truck accident, you’re probably dealing with painful injuries and wondering how to cover your medical bills, loss of income, and other crash-related losses. If someone else was to blame for the accident, they may be legally responsible for compensating you for your losses.

The trusted lawyers of Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer provide compassionate and effective representation to injury victims in Paducah and throughout Kentucky. Our legal team has the Kentucky Courage to stand up to trucking companies and big insurance companies and advocate for the full compensation you need. We can investigate the truck accident and pursue all potential sources of compensation. We’re not afraid to take a case to trial if that’s the best way to get you the justice you deserve.

Contact us today for a free consultation with a Paducah semi truck accident lawyer.

Most Common Types of Truck Accidents in Paducah

While any auto accident can be devastating, large truck accidents, in particular, are more likely to result in catastrophic damage and life-threatening injuries. According to the Kentucky transportation department, commercial trucks accounted for only five percent of the vehicles involved in collisions statewide in a recent year, but commercial trucks were disproportionately represented in deadly collisions. They accounted for nine percent of the vehicles involved in fatal crashes statewide.

Here are some common types of truck accidents our attorneys see in the truck crash cases we handle:

  • Head-on collisions
  • Sideswipe crashes
  • T-bone accidents
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Angle-impact crashes
  • Cargo spill accidents
  • Jackknife accidents
  • Rollover accidents
  • Underride collisions
  • Pile-up accidents

Most Common Causes of Truck Crashes in Paducah

The top-reported contributing factors in Kentucky truck accidents include the following:

  • Driver inattention contributed to 34 percent of all truck accidents and 27 percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Misjudging truck clearance contributed to 18.5 percent of all truck accidents and three percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Loss of driver control contributed to 14 percent of all truck accidents and 27 percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way contributed to eight percent of all truck accidents and 14 percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Following too closely for conditions contributed to four percent of all truck accidents but no fatal crashes.
  • Alcohol involvement was a factor in about one percent of all truck accidents and six percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Drug involvement was a factor in nearly one percent of all truck accidents and 10 percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Exceeding posted speed limits contributed to about one percent of all truck accidents and 10 percent of fatal truck accidents.
  • Disregarding traffic control devices contributed to about two percent of all truck accidents and eight percent of fatal truck accidents.

What You Need To Do After a Truck Accident in Paducah

It’s common to feel overwhelmed in the aftermath of a truck accident. You should take the following steps to protect your legal rights:

  • Seek medical care immediately to ensure your crash injuries are diagnosed, treated, and documented in your medical records.
  • Follow your doctor’s care plan.
  • Gather evidence from the crash scene, including photos of the wreckage, contact and insurance details from the truck driver, and statements from eyewitnesses.
  • Avoid sharing details or photos of the crash online.
  • Keep medical bills, proof of income, repair estimates, and other documentation of your crash-related injuries, expenses, and losses.
  • Watch what you say to the truck driver, the insurance company, and any other third parties before you have the opportunity to speak with an attorney.

How Much Is a Paducah Truck Wreck Claim Worth?

The value of a tractor-trailer accident case depends on many factors including the severity of your injuries, how fault is apportioned, and the insurance policies available to provide payment. If you are successful in your truck wreck claim, you may be entitled to compensation for the following:

  • Hospital bills and medical costs you incur for the treatment of your injuries
  • Future medical costs if you will need ongoing treatment
  • Incidental expenses, such as out-of-pocket travel costs for doctor’s appointments
  • Reduced income from any time you miss from work due to your crash injuries
  • Projected losses in future earning potential, if you suffer permanent injuries
  • Subjective losses, such as injury-related pain, suffering, and lost quality of life

How Is Liability Determined in a Truck Accident Claim in Paducah?

After a truck accident in Paducah, insurance adjusters and attorneys will review the available facts to determine whose actions led to the crash and, therefore, who can be held financially liable. They will consider evidence such as:

  • Official medical records from all truck accident injury victims
  • Police crash reports, if the authorities responded to the scene
  • Photos of the truck accident scene, wreckage, and injuries
  • Video footage of the crash and the moments leading up to the crash if available
  • Truck driver cell phone and hours of service (HOS) records
  • Data from electronic logging devices (ELDs)
  • Toxicology test results for parties who seemed impaired after the crash
  • The truck’s inspection, maintenance, repair, and prior collision history
  • Statements from reliable witnesses who saw the truck accident occur
  • Testimony from experts, such as accident reconstruction specialists

What Is the Time Limit for Paducah Truck Accident Lawsuits?

You have one year from the date of an accident to file a personal injury lawsuit against the truck driver, trucking company, or another liable party. If you try to sue after the one-year deadline, the court will likely dismiss your case, and you will lose the right to seek compensation. After a serious accident, you need to contact an attorney promptly to start developing your case. An experienced truck accident attorney can keep track of important filing deadlines and file your case promptly.

Why Choose Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer for Your Paducah Truck Accident Case?

When you choose Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, you will work directly with our experienced accident lawyers and receive personalized service. Your truck accident attorney will listen to your concerns and develop a legal strategy that fits your needs.

Let our lawyers handle every detail of your case so you can focus on what matters most. If you have questions or wish to discuss your Paducah truck accident case with a trusted attorney, call (877) 809-5352 or contact us online for a free initial consultation session.