TBI lawyers in Lexington

If you or someone close to you has suffered a traumatic brain injury, you may be facing a mountain of medical bills and feeling overwhelmed. If someone else caused the head injury, you may have a right to seek compensation for the medical bills and other expenses. You certainly should not have to shoulder the burden of this injury alone.

The attorneys of Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer understand how a traumatic brain injury can impact every aspect of a person’s life. Our experienced personal injury lawyers in Lexington are dedicated to helping injured clients pursue just compensation for injuries and related losses. We believe that every injured Kentuckian deserves compassionate, personalized legal representation Contact our Kentucky Courage attorneys in Lexington, KY, at (877) 809-5352 or online for a free initial consultation session.

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs when a sudden blow, jolt, or injury to the head damages the brain. TBIs range from mild concussions to penetrating head injuries that shatter the skull.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 200,000 traumatic brain injuries resulted in hospitalization (about 600 a day) in a recent year, and more than 64,000 TBIs resulted in death.

Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI symptoms can vary significantly depending on the location and severity of the injury. Common symptoms of mild TBIs include:

  • Brief loss of consciousness
  • Feelings of disorientation or confusion
  • Headaches, lightheadedness, or dizziness
  • Unusual fatigue, lethargy, or change in sleep habits
  • Blurred vision, tinnitus, or changes in the ability to smell
  • Nausea, vomiting, or unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Unusual sensitivity to lights or sounds
  • Unusual difficulty with memory, attention, or concentration
  • Unusual depression, anxiety, or mood changes

Injury victims with moderate to severe TBIs may experience the following symptoms:

  • Extended loss of consciousness
  • Chronic headaches that worsen over time
  • Persistent nausea or repeated vomiting
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Difficulty or inability to wake from sleep
  • Abnormally dilated pupils
  • Slurred speech
  • Weakness, numbness, or loss of coordination
  • Unusual restlessness, confusion, or agitation

Classification of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Medical professionals typically classify traumatic brain injuries based on when the damage occurs and the pathological features, mechanism, and severity of the injury. These classifications are explained below:

  • Primary vs. secondary – A primary TBI occurs at the time of the trauma, while a secondary TBI occurs soon after due to incidental damage around the brain.
  • Focal vs. diffuse – The damage from a focal TBI is confined to one area of the brain. A diffuse TBI affects multiple regions of the brain.
  • Open vs. closed – An open TBI occurs when skull fragments or foreign objects penetrate the brain such as a gunshot wound. A closed TBI means the brain was not penetrated.
  • Mild vs. moderate vs. severe – A TBI may be classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on the duration of loss of consciousness or post-injury amnesia.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Here are some of the most common types of traumatic brain injuries:

  • Concussions – May result in loss of consciousness
  • Contusions – Intracranial bruises that affect the soft tissue of the brain
  • Hemorrhage – Uncontrolled bleeding within the skull or the brain itself
  • Hematoma – Accumulated blood that can put dangerous pressure on the brain
  • Coup-contrecoup injuries – Twin injuries that affect points on either side of the brain
  • Diffuse axonal injuries – Shearing injuries that stretch or tear critical nerve fibers
  • Penetrating injuries – Brain injuries involving penetration of the skull or brain
  • Second-impact injuries – Injuries caused by multiple TBIs in rapid succession

What Causes Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Some common causes of traumatic brain injuries include:

Anyone can suffer a brain injury. According to the CDC, the following groups are at greater risk for long-term health complications after a brain injury:

  • The elderly, especially after falls or car crashes
  • People of racial or ethnic minorities due to inadequate access to quality healthcare
  • Military service members and veterans
  • People who experience homelessness
  • People in correctional or detention facilities
  • People who survive domestic violence
  • People who live in rural areas farther from healthcare facilities

The Consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury

A person with a relatively mild TBI can often heal with rest and over-the-counter (OTC) medication. But in moderate to severe TBI cases, victims can face the following immediate and long-term consequences:

  • Expensive medical appointments with general practitioners or specialists
  • Costly prescription medications and specialized medical equipment
  • The costs of physical therapy or rehabilitative surgeries
  • The expense of at-home healthcare or housekeeping assistance
  • The costs of modifications to homes or vehicles to make them accessible
  • Lost income from missed work during recovery periods
  • Projected losses in future earning capacity, if symptoms are permanent

Compensation for Your TBI in Lexington

No amount of compensation can undo the effects of a TBI. But a fair settlement can help you support yourself or your loved ones, pay bills, and feel that justice was served. Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses related to the TBI, including future expenses
  • Incidental costs, such as mileage for medical travel
  • Lost wages from missed time at work
  • Projected losses in lifetime earning potential
  • The subjective costs of TBI-related pain and suffering

How a TBI Lawyer in Lexington Can Help

A Lexington traumatic brain injury lawyer can help you by:

  • Conducting an independent investigation into the circumstances that caused the TBI
  • Gathering helpful evidence and identifying possible sources of compensation
  • Communicating with insurance companies and other parties on your behalf
  • Interviewing eyewitnesses for useful supporting statements
  • Working to maximize the compensation you could receive

Contact a Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer in Lexington Today!

The Lexington TBI attorneys of Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer are prepared to help you demand the compensation you need to move forward after a serious head injury. Call our firm at (877) 809-5352 or contact us online to get started with your free case review.