Truck Accident Statistics in KY

Truck accidents are a growing problem in Kentucky. An analysis from the Kentucky Transportation Center shows that the annual number of fatal truck crashes statewide jumped from 75 to 106 over a recent five-year period, a 41% increase. The number of large truck crashes with nonfatal injuries rose by 4% during that same period. Most of the people injured and killed in large truck collisions were occupants of smaller passenger vehicles.

The truck accident attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer believe that you deserve skilled legal guidance if you have been injured in a commercial truck accident. We have decades of combined experience handling truck accident cases and can help you demand full and fair compensation. This article explores some Kentucky truck accident statistics, outlines who might be responsible for your injuries, and explains what to do after a crash.

Truck Accident Statistics in Kentucky: Who, Where, When, & Why

Let’s start with the basic facts of truck crashes in Kentucky:

  • The most recent Traffic Collision Facts report from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet shows that 9,437 truck crashes occurred statewide in a recent year. That figure includes 86 fatal collisions and 1,351 collisions with nonfatal injuries.
  • The same report shows that large trucks are disproportionately involved in fatal crashes. While trucks accounted for 5% of all vehicles involved in collisions, they accounted for 8% of vehicles in fatal crashes.
  • Close to half of all truck drivers involved in Kentucky truck accidents live outside the Commonwealth. Specifically, state figures indicate that of the 10,384 truck drivers involved in truck crashes in a recent year, 4,368 lived outside of Kentucky.
  • Most truck accidents occur on busy highways in Kentucky. Of the 9,437 truck crashes that happened statewide in a recent year, 2,862 occurred on interstates (30%), 2,709 happened on state highways (29%), and 1,673 occurred on U.S. highways (18%). One thousand three hundred truck crashes occurred on city streets (14%), meaning city drivers should still watch out for trucks on the road.
  • Equipment failures and similar issues are a factor in hundreds of Kentucky truck accidents. Of the 666 trucks cited for vehicle-related factors in crashes, the most commonly contributing problems were improperly secured cargo (123 trucks), tire failures (112 trucks), defective brakes (57 trucks), and oversized loads (47 trucks).

Why Do Truck Accidents Happen in Kentucky?

Many factors contribute to Kentucky truck accidents. Our law firm’s experience handling accident cases involving tractor-trailers and semi-trucks has shown that certain factors are common causes of truck accidents. The most common causes of commercial truck accidents in Kentucky include:

  • Driver Inattention: Truck drivers sometimes lose focus on the road and surrounding traffic. Lapses in attention can occur due to familiarity with the route or a momentary diversion, leading to dangerous situations.
  • Fatigue: Many hours on the road can exhaust even the most seasoned drivers. Fatigue makes it harder to stay focused. It impairs a driver’s ability to recognize and respond quickly to changes in traffic conditions, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Distracted Driving: Distractions like texting, eating, or using navigation devices pull drivers’ attention away from driving. This split focus can lead to critical errors.
  • Speeding: The pressure to meet tight deadlines can lead truck drivers to speed, reducing their control and increasing the severity of any crash.
  • Alcohol or Drug Use: There are strict regulations on drug and alcohol use for truck drivers. Some drivers violate these rules as a means of coping with stress and boredom. This dangerous behavior threatens everyone’s safety on the road.
  • Improper Vehicle Maintenance: Neglecting regular maintenance checks can contribute to failures in critical components such as truck brakes or tires, which can lead to preventable accidents.
  • Faulty Equipment: Even with proper maintenance, truck parts sometimes fail. Faulty equipment, such as brake failures or tire blowouts, can cause serious accidents.
  • Overloaded Trucks: Overloading a truck and failing to secure loads properly can increase the risk of accidents.
  • Weather Conditions: Kentucky’s weather can be unpredictable, with rain, storms, fog, or icy roads reducing visibility and traction and increasing the time and distance trucks need to stop safely.
  • Inadequate Training: Some commercial truck drivers lack proper training to handle large vehicles, especially in challenging situations such as poor weather. This lack of proper training put both truck drivers and other road users at risk of a crash.
  • Roadway Issues: Potholes, unclear signage, and poorly designed intersections can confuse truck drivers and lead to accidents.

Where Do Truck Accidents Happen in Kentucky?

Kentucky’s diverse landscape, from bustling city streets to quiet rural roads, presents various challenges for truck drivers. Understanding where truck accidents are most likely to occur can help in creating strategies to prevent them and keep the roads safe for everyone. The most common sites of truck accidents in the state:

  • Interstate Highways: These high-speed roads are vital for truckers crisscrossing Kentucky. However, their higher speed limits and traffic volumes can lead to serious accidents. The higher speed limits increase the risk of serious injuries and fatal injuries in interstate collisions.
  • State Routes: State routes connect smaller towns and provide critical links to larger highways. These roads can be tricky to navigate due to varying speed limits, occasional sharp turns, and intersections that may not have been designed for large truck traffic.
  • U.S. Routes: Serving as major arteries for both local and through traffic, U.S. routes in Kentucky see a mix of vehicles, including heavy trucks. The diverse traffic, coupled with sections that may have outdated infrastructure, raises the risk of accidents.
  • Rural Areas: While it might seem counterintuitive, rural roads are often particularly dangerous for truck drivers. Narrow lanes, lack of shoulders, and poor lighting contribute to the risk. Head-on collisions are more likely to occur on these roads. A moment’s inattention may cause a vehicle to drift across the centerline into an oncoming lane of traffic. Emergency response times are often longer in these areas.
  • Urban Areas: Cities and densely populated areas present truck drivers with challenges such as congested roads, frequent stops, and pedestrians.

Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident in Kentucky?

Understanding who caused a truck collision is essential to holding them liable for the consequences. Because of the potential that multiple parties may bear financial liability for a crash, truck accidents are more complicated to investigate. Several businesses and their insurance carriers may be involved in the operation of a commercial truck. A knowledgeable truck accident lawyer in Kentucky can review your case and identify all the liable parties, including:

  • The Truck Driver: The truck may be liable for a crash if the accident resulted from their negligent actions. Examples of truck driver negligence include speeding, distracted driving, tailgating, disregarding hours-of-service limits, or violating other traffic laws.
  • The Trucking Company: If the truck driver is an employee of a trucking company, the company also may bear responsibility for a crash, especially if the accident resulted from factors such as inadequate training, pressure to meet unrealistic schedules, or failure to conduct proper maintenance checks.
  • The Manufacturer of the Truck or Trailer: If a defect in the truck or trailer contributed to the accident, the manufacturer of that part might be financially liable under product liability law. This can include issues with brake failure, tire failure, or other critical components that should have been designed and built to ensure the vehicle’s safe operation.
  • The Company That Loaded the Truck: Improper cargo loading can lead to truck accidents, especially if the cargo shifts en route or falls off the trailer, creating a traffic hazard. The company responsible for loading the truck could be liable if their negligence in securing the load contributed to the crash.

What To Do After a Truck Accident in Kentucky

Taking the right steps after a truck accident in Kentucky is crucial to protect your rights. Once you’ve started medical treatment, your next actions can significantly impact any claims you file later. First and foremost, make sure to report the accident to the police and ask how to get a copy of the police accident report. This document is essential. It provides an official account of the accident and identifies who was involved.

Seek prompt medical treatment for your injuries. Keep all medical records related to the treatment of your injuries from the accident. These documents help demonstrate the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life. Keep a record of all related expenses, including medical bills, physical therapy, rehabilitation, medication costs, and other expenditures tied to the accident. This documentation is crucial when seeking compensation.

It’s also wise to document your recovery process and how the injuries affect your daily life. Keep a journal or notes that detail your pain levels, mobility issues, and any activities or work you cannot do because of your injuries.

Consult a legal professional with experience handling truck accident cases. They can provide guidance tailored to your situation, help you understand your rights, and pursue fair compensation on your behalf. Acting promptly after an accident can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Contact a Kentucky Truck Accident Lawyer Now

Behind each of these truck accident statistics is a real person who has suffered real injuries. If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident or lost a loved one and you have questions about the appropriate next steps to take, speak with a knowledgeable Kentucky truck accident attorney.

Our law firm can handle your case and fight for maximum compensation for you while you. Our attorneys are known for the Kentucky Courage they bring to every case. Call Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer today for a free consultation, or you can contact us online.