Commercial trucks are an essential part of Kentucky’s economy. However, due to their size discrepancy with passenger cars, large trucks can cause severe injuries when they are involved in collisions. Passenger vehicle occupants often suffer catastrophic injuries, including head injuries, spinal cord damage, loss of limbs, and internal bleeding.

Accident victims can develop post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression that can be just as debilitating as physical injuries. The financial repercussions of truck accidents can leave victims feeling overwhelmed and unable to manage their affairs.

If you find yourself in this situation, a Hazard semi-truck accident attorney can help you understand whether you have a personal injury claim. Our truck accident lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer can demand full compensation for your losses, such as medical expenses, lost income due to missed work, physical pain, and emotional suffering. The experienced truck accident attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer have recovered more millions on behalf of injured individuals. We are ready to help you hold the at-fault party accountable for what you’ve suffered. Call a truck accident lawyer in Hazard, KY, today for a free case evaluation. Learn more about how we can help you.

What To Do After a Truck Accident Occurs in Hazard?

Truck accidents are always disruptive. In the days and weeks following a collision with a large commercial vehicle, truck accident victims often find themselves unsure of what steps to take. However, maintaining the presence of mind to take certain steps can help you protect yourself and your rights to pursue compensation.

Seek Medical Treatment

Seeking immediate medical attention is essential after any truck accident, even if you do not believe you have injuries. A doctor’s examination may be able to detect brain injuries or other internal injuries before symptoms become apparent. During the course of your treatment, maintain a list of your medical providers., including hospitals, doctors, therapists, pharmacies and diagnostic centers. Be sure to keep any medical bills and invoices.

Build a Record to Prove Loss of Income

Your injuries might prevent you from returning to work or performing the tasks you did before the accident. This may be due to a temporary or permanent disability. When pursuing an injury claim, you are entitled to claim compensation for your lost wages or loss of income from missed time at work. A successful claim requires solid evidence of your financial losses.

The following documents can help you prove your case:

  • Pay stubs
  • Correspondence with your HR department
  • Tax documents
  • Bank statements

Avoid Discussing Your Case on Social Media

While many people like to share significant updates about their lives on social media, discussing your truck accident case online or making any public comments about your injuries can harm your chances of receiving compensation. The at-fault party’s insurance company can find comments you make or vacation photos you post online to undermine your claim. It’s prudent to stay off social media until your case is complete.

Do Not Accept the Initial Offer

Insurance companies sometimes contact injury victims in the weeks after an accident and make a lowball settlement offer. This tends to occur before the injured person understands the full extent of their losses. The amount can seem impressive at first glance. However, these initial offers are intended to limit the insurance company’s liability and are almost always insufficient to cover the victim’s medical bills and other losses. Before accepting any offer from an insurance company, seek advice from a qualified legal professional.

Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer in Hazard, KY

The most crucial step you can take in the days and weeks after a tractor-trailer crash is to consult with a Kentucky truck accident lawyer. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you understand your legal options, handle negotiations with the insurance company on your behalf, and take your truck accident claim to court if necessary.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Hazard

While every truck accident has unique details, most large commercial vehicle crashes stem from the same underlying factors. Understanding the common causes of truck collisions can help injury victims protect their rights during the claims process. Some frequent causes of truck accidents in Hazard and across Kentucky include:

  • Driver fatigue – Truckers often face intense pressure to meet tight delivery deadlines, leading some to forego breaks and adequate rest. Drowsy driving impairs reaction times and judgment. A truck driver who skips required rest breaks and violates hours-of-service limits may be held financially liable for causing a crash.  Don’t feel sorry for the truck driver or worry about how he/she can pay any judgment. His/her employer and their insurance companies will be responsible for paying for the truck driver’s negligence.
  • Speeding – The size and weight of trucks means they require much more time to brake than passenger vehicles. Speeding reduces the time a truck driver has to react to a traffic hazard, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Poor maintenance – Trucking companies might skip safety inspections and defer maintenance to save money, creating defects like faulty brakes.
  • Distracted driving – Eating, texting, programming a navigation system while driving, and other distractions divert truckers’ attention from the task of driving, with potentially disastrous consequences.
  • Drug and alcohol impairment – Truck drivers sometimes self-medicate to stay awake or reduce stress, negatively influencing their abilities.
  • Inadequate driver training – Some companies hire inexperienced drivers or fail to provide sufficient training in operating loaded rigs.
  • Jackknifing – Slamming on brakes or losing traction on slippery surfaces can cause a truck’s cab and trailer to bend dangerously at the connecting point.
  • Rollovers – Top-heavy loads raise trucks’ already-high centers of gravity, increasing the risk of rollover accidents when rounding curves.
  • Aggressive driving – Truck drivers put others at risk when they attempt unsafe passing maneuvers or fail to yield right-of-way.

Sometimes, multiple factors converge to cause a collision. A Hazard truck accident lawyer can investigate all aspects of the crash to develop the strongest injury claim possible.

Why Is It Important to Hire a Hazard Truck Accident Lawyer

You might assume that the process of pursuing compensation after a serious truck accident would be straightforward. Unfortunately, many injured Kentuckians are surprised at how frustrating and confusing a truck accident claim can be. The trucking industry is made up of many independent parties, including drivers, carriers, loaders, brokers, and maintenance companies – any of which could be financially liable for a truck accident.

Identifying and dealing with multiple at-fault parties and their insurers can quickly become overwhelming. Our accident attorneys understand how to handle these claims effectively and efficiently.

A complicating factor is that Kentucky law operates on a pure comparative negligence basis regarding truck wrecks. This principle means you can recover compensation for a truck collision even if you are partially at fault. However, any compensation a court awards you will be reduced by your percentage of fault. Insurance companies often try to blame the accident victim to reduce the amount they pay out. A seasoned Hazard truck accident attorney can build a robust case and push back against attempts by insurance companies to shift the blame.

What Compensation Can You Seek for Truck Accident Injuries in Hazard

If you’ve suffered injuries with , you might have a right to claim substantial compensation. While amounts will vary according to the circumstances of the accident, you might be able to seek compensation for losses such as:

  1. Past and Future Medical expenses – If another party is at fault for your injuries, you have the right to claim compensation for the cost of your medical treatment.  You also have the right to receive compensation for medical treatment you are likely to receive in the future.
  2. Lost income – If your injuries caused you to miss time at work, you can recover compensation for the income you have lost.
  3. Reduced earning capacity – Some injuries result in disabilities that prevent you from returning to your previous job. If you are forced to take a lower-paying job, you can seek compensation for the difference between the reduced earnings you will likely make for the rest of your working life and what you would have made had the truck accident never occurred.
  4. Pain and suffering – While physical and emotional pain and suffering do not translate into specific dollar amounts, Kentucky law entitles you to seek financial compensation for these losses, including the loss of enjoyment of life and inability to take part in the activities you previously enjoyed. Your attorney can assess your injuries and determine how much money a court might award for pain and suffering in your situation.

Time Limits for Filing a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Hazard

Kentucky’s statute of limitations for motor vehicle accidents gives truck crash victims just two years to file compensation claims. Investigating an accident, calculating damages, and negotiating with the insurance company can take several months. If you fail to file legal action before the deadline, you may be barred from recovering the compensation you deserve.

Contacting an experienced Hazard truck accident attorney as soon as possible after a crash can keep you from missing the deadline. Early contact with a lawyer can allow them to obtain evidence before it disappears and interview witnesses before memories fade.

Let a Hazard Truck Accident Attorney Help You

Are you looking for a legal professional to handle your truck accident case in Hazard, KY? You deserve to work with an attorney who will give you and your case the individual attention you deserve.

The Kentucky Courage lawyers at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer offer knowledgeable legal representation to fight for the full compensation available in your case. Contact our law firm today for a free consultation with a Kentucky truck accident attorney.