Insurance form to be filled out after a car accident

Every state has its own laws on determining fault in a motor vehicle accident. Kentucky is a “no-fault” state. This does not mean the driver is not at fault in a car accident. Rather, it refers to how insurance coverage is handled.

No-fault insurance aims to keep everyone involved in a car accident from facing costly, time-consuming court battles over who was at fault.

Every Kentucky motorist must carry $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which provides coverage when involved in an accident. PIP pays for basic services like medical expenses and a minimal amount for lost wages. PIP benefits can also be used to cover household expenses if your injuries from the accident leave you unable to perform basic household tasks. PIP will reimburse mileage to and from doctors’ appointments.

At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, we are focused exclusively on helping accident victims. We never represent auto insurance companies in Kentucky.

Our personal injury lawyers have the Kentucky Courage needed to advocate for people who are struggling to get their lives back on track after an accident. We have extensive knowledge of how Kentucky’s auto insurance system works and how insurance companies operate.

We fight on all fronts to demand the full and fair compensation you deserve. Call us today to schedule a free initial consultation with our knowledgeable and compassionate car accident attorneys. If you need help with your property damage claim and become a car wreck injury client, we handle that for FREE. We have ten offices located across Kentucky in LexingtonSomersetManchesterLondon, HazardPaducahPaintsville, Prestonsburg, and Princeton.

When to Talk to the Insurance Company After an Accident

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you are not legally required to speak with the other driver’s insurance company. However, you may want to notify your insurance company that an accident has happened but do not give more details than the basics of who, where, and when.

In general, you should not talk to the other insurance company when there is any potential for anyone involved in the accident to claim injuries. You should never talk to the other driver’s insurance until you have consulted with an experienced auto insurance attorney. Your lawyer will then handle all communications for you.

What You Shouldn’t Say to an Insurance Adjuster

Insurance adjusters do not have your best interests at heart. They are focused on their company’s bottom line and will do their best to protect it. Insurance adjusters are trained to minimize your settlement as much as possible and deny it outright if they can get away with it. You are not obligated to speak with the insurance adjuster.

However, they will likely try to get in touch with you not long after your car accident. Anything you say to them will be recorded to diminish or dismiss your claim. Don’t talk to them. Refer them to your lawyer instead.

Tips for Dealing With The Insurance Company

Keep the following tips in mind when dealing with an insurer:

  • Don’t give a written or recorded statement. If an insurance adjuster asks to record your statement, don’t give them permission. If you have been injured in a car accident, do not provide a statement to the other driver’s insurance company without first speaking with a lawyer. Your statement can and will be used against you. If you give a statement to an insurer, and then, for example, find out that your injuries are more serious than you first thought, you may have difficulty recovering all your damages.
  • Never give access to medical records. Insurers may want to review your medical records. It is for them to find pre-existing conditions that they can use against you to deny or underpay your claim.
  • Stay off social media. You must not post anything about the accident on your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media account. When pursuing a claim for damages, your social media posts or engagements could be taken out of context, twisted, and used against you. Insurance companies have employees who search for accident or injury leads on social media and use them to minimize claims.
  • Don’t agree to a settlement without speaking to a lawyer. If a claims adjuster offers a settlement, odds are it is lower than in should be. You want your settlement figure to cover every single one of your damages from the car accident. It is best to have an experienced personal injury lawyer review the settlement offer first. An auto insurance attorney will let you know if the settlement is fair given the facts of your case and the injuries you sustained.

How an Auto Insurance Lawyer Can Help You Deal with Insurance Companiesa man discussing with a lawyer

Your attorney will handle the communication with the insurance adjuster for the other parties involved. Your auto insurance lawyer needs to have a professional relationship with the adjuster, as they are the ones who will deal with you when negotiating a fair settlement.

Negotiation skills are critical when dealing with insurance companies. A highly skilled personal injury attorney is typically a great negotiator. They are much better at settling a car accident case than the average person would be. An attorney knows how much your accident case is worth. An Attorney also knows how to conduct negotiations in a way that will help you seek top dollar from the insurer.

It can be intimidating to go up against large, powerful insurance companies that try to give you as little as possible. But the insurance company can’t push you around when you hire the experienced Kentucky auto insurance attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer. Allow our experienced Kentucky personal injury attorneys to put their Kentucky Courage to work for you.

Contact Us Now for Help Dealing with Auto Insurance After a Crash

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Kentucky that was someone else’s fault, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. You may not know what to do and who to turn to.

Know that highly skilled Kentucky auto insurance attorneys at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer are ready to help. Unlike insurance companies, our attorneys have your best interests at heart. Call us today to set up a free, no-obligation consultation so we can discuss your legal options.